

Boost Improv Performers


People who own improv theatres, have taught improv for over 25 years and who have failed (only to succeed later) describe some of my guests on the David is Curious podcast. Vinny Francios – owner of the Improv College and Camp ZipZap Jay Sukow – owner of Today Improv and one of my favorite improv…

Barry Wright

(photo credit Kiirstn Pagan – https://kiirstnpagan.com/)  This actually goes back all the way to when I first started taking improv classes.  My wife, Kristen, had been taking classes for about two years, and she and her friends had been cajoling me to try it for just about as long.  I was working at a local (Baltimore,…

Alexia Pavli

QUESTION #1: What is the best way to determine someone is a person you would like to perform in an improv show with? Call me crazy, but I like to perform with someone who is awake. Unconscious performers are almost impossible to do a scene with. (But still possible). All jokes aside, I guess the best way…


Working on the website.


Our series “Improv Like an Animal” which has become popular on Social Media.

We aim to increase the visibility of smaller improv teams/individuals and promote healthy elements which strengthen the larger improv community.